Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Life in the Mountain Valley

Hi folks.

So I feel as though I've lived here long enough to have a good working understanding of the people, the places, the attractions, the detractions and the overall vibe of life as a Vail resident. The only aspect of life out here that I do not fully grasp yet is the overall winter weather season. I know what winters are, Michigan will do that to a person, but weather, that is always something new depending on setting. I have spent some time out here in the Rockies during the winter, I know what a ridiculous amount of snow can mean but an entire life of it? I currently enjoy walking everywhere I go, can I say the same thing when 300 inches have fallen in a matter of months?

Small changes like that affect the things you enjoy.

The library is a gem here in Vail. I spend at least an hour at it 5 days a week. If I haven't made time for the library during my day it usually means mountain days have tired me out too much. I fear that the library will be a lesser place when Vail is in full swing and Scandanavian elitists are huddled by the fire in their fur coats discussing the pratfalls of competing nose wipes for their kids. For now its relatively deserted, aside from the busy computer section at which I currently sit. I found the most amazing Gonzo book on display last week. It is hardcover and at least a foot tall and one foot wide, so double that when opened. It has great widespread pictures, quotes, poems and just overall inspirational material.

Most of the books I have checked out from the library have been about music theory and guitar playing. I found a good deal on a nice yamaha and have been strumming my way through the dark sleepy nights out here.

For all of you interested back home, friends have been easy to come by. There is always a friendly face around the corner that I can share a laugh with. In the odd case that there is no one around the ambiguous mountain air and vibe get me through.

I'm sorry if I haven't checked in as frequent as maybe some of you expected/wanted. Or maybe I am reporting back just enough or perhaps too much. I have no gauge of this other than my overall desire to confine myself to the glowing pixels of a computer screen. In other words I'm trying to need the computer as little as possible so I apologize if I've been a little distant. I don't really enjoy talking on the phone to anyone unless I get involved in small talk enough to forget that I am on the phone.

Love you all, take care.
Byron, or fish as my nametag says on the mountain.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Overall Vail Update

Whats up all? I hope everyone in their respected places are doing well. I miss you. Things are good here in Vail. I am going through training sessions every day, pretty much all day. Turns out it takes a lot of equipment and protocal guidelines to memorize when working a ski lift. I love it here. Living in a mountain valley means looking out the window and every time seeing slopes and mountain peaks. The people are all friendly for the most part. Things are absolutely divided into, locals, tourists and Vail employees. Vail employees are close to locals but a lot of us, possibly myself included, are only here for seasons at a time so it is not really the same thing as living in Vail througout the summer as well and knowing how that whole lifestyle works. My first paycheck comes in about 1.5 weeks from now, thank god. Everything is on the pricier side of life but a perk of being surrounded by nice people is that you tend to find the deals pretty easily if you know how to ask. Life is good, I'm keeping a smile on my face everywhere I go and knowing that if I take the time to look around I will like what I see.

I'll have pictures soon I just haven't had enough daylight free time to get some good shots.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Greetings from Vail

I made it. I have been in Vail now for 4 days and I really am happy to be here.

I flew into Denver the day after Halloween with a bunch of hungover skate and board kids, pretty quiet flight really. Joe Schramm picked me up at the airport and I had the chance to hang out with him for 3 days in Denver. He has a nice little setup with Nick Kjolhede, Jason Bulter, John Hickey and little (but now all grownsies) JoJo. I got to play some disc, tour the town, hit up some bars and just kick back with some faces from the past.

I took the CME from Denver to Vail, it is essentially a van that they load up with ski bums and rich people. My first day in Vail was a little trying, I got to town with about 1 hour of daylight but most of that was wasted with paperwork at my apt. complex's housing office and just getting all my shit into my apartment and set up. So by the time I was ready to get my bearings about me it was already dark out and I just had to hop on the city bus and take it where it took me and figure out as I go. Luckily Vail is accomodating to the hiker. I stopped into a coffee shop and a cool cat named Quincy gave me a lowdown. So after drinking the free coffee Quincy gave me I hopped on a different bus and took it to a grocery store. Life is expensive out here. I shall be consuming tuna, trailmix, granola bars, eggs and beer, nothing else. So eventually I made it back to my apartment and just passed out.

Every day thus far has consisted primarily of training classes. Today is my first free day in Vail and I plan to just stroll the streets with my camera and get to know the place. I have plans to go hiking up one of the mountain sides with my friends Jeff and Philip so that should also give me a good idea of what else Vail life has in store for me.

I have two roommates, Cesear and Tyler, we are expecting one more by the time ski season starts. They are both good guys, Tyler is a fellow lift operator from D.C. Cesear has been in Vail for a year and a half and is working as a cook at one of the ridiculously expensive restaurants in downtown.

Life in Vail has been good but busy. I am looking forward to ski season and finally getting up there on the mountain and having the whole day to waste on shredding through powder. I am surrounded by people my age and of my mindset so making friends has never been easier. All in all life is good and just keeps getting better the more you let it.